
Academic Integrity in the Office of the Provost aims to create a fair, consistent, clear, effective, and timely process to address academic integrity violations, to bolster trust in the process, to provide structured takeaways for students, and to increase overall support for faculty, staff and students regarding academic integrity.* The Academic Integrity Coordinators are dedicated to encouraging responsible community behavior, educating students, and facilitating accountability in situations where violations of academic integrity policies have occurred. These standards and intervention efforts contribute to a positive university climate that encourages students to take responsibility for their actions, learn conflict resolution skills, enhance decision-making ability, and advance the development of social awareness and ethical values. 

The success and effectiveness of the academic integrity process will rely on a community committed to upholding a culture of honesty, responsibility, and integrity.  Our community must prioritize this commitment by incorporating the values of academic integrity into our daily interactions including course lessons, group meetings, and beyond. 

Please review the Undergraduate Student Academic Integrity Policy.

Information regarding the University Student Conduct Code University Student Conduct Code.  

*The academic integrity policy, process, and information listed here applies to undergraduate students enrolled in all Schools and programs and master’s level students in the McKelvey School of Engineering, the Sam Fox School of Design and Visual Arts, and the School of Continuing and Professional Studies. For all other programs, please see the Contacts page.

